The Implications of Serverless Architecture: Beyond the Hype

June 11, 2023

In recent years, cloud providers have been promoting serverless architecture as a preferable option to microservices. Consequently, many developers have readily embraced it without fully considering the architectural consequences. This article aims to highlight the...

The State of Rails Monoliths in 2023

May 25, 2023

It’s 2023, and I’d like to share my perspective on the Monolith architecture, particularly in the context of Ruby on Rails. Over the years, we’ve witnessed various trends ranging from SOA to microservices, serverless, and...

My Rails Way!

May 20, 2023

As a senior software engineer with extensive expertise in web development using Ruby on Rails, I have gained valuable insights into the framework’s capabilities. However, one area where it consistently falls short is in organizing...

Why Techies Jump Ship

January 19, 2022

Tech professionals are known for being in high demand, and it’s not uncommon for them to change jobs frequently. But what exactly motivates these tech employees to make a move? In this blog post, I’ll...

Los simbolos inmortales

May 21, 2021

TL;DR; Siempre Valida los nombres de los métodos admitidos cuando realices metaprogramación.

¿Necesitamos Background Jobs en Elixir?

August 08, 2020

En Ruby nos hemos acostumbrado al uso de background jobs por medio de herramientas como Sidekiq, o Resque. En este post veremos los beneficios de la OTP al utilizar la concurrencia que esta ofrece.

ARM en la MAC, desde la perspectiva del developer

June 26, 2020

Hace unos días Apple reveló sus planes de integrar procesadores con arquitectura ARM en sus equipos de escritorio, dejando a un lado los procesadores de Intel con x86. Pero ¿qué significa esto para nosotros los...

Moving back to Jekyll!

May 16, 2018

It has been a while since my last blog post, but before I start writing a new one, I need to do something. Cleanup my current setup with hugo. What was my surprise when I...

Swift Vs Objective-C

November 12, 2017

Since 2014 Swift programming language has gotten the fascination of developers and strangers, but what about the old and reliable Objective-C, that for years has been the default language in iOS and OSX applications. Is...

No big framework, No problem

February 24, 2017

Recently you might face the need to learn a new frontend framework, and last year you had to do the same. Unfortunately, this is a very common practice among web developers, spending too much time...

8 Reasons Why You Should NOT Shoot in JPEG

July 22, 2016

One of my hobbies is taking pictures, although I am still learning, with my computer science background I know, that If I want to post process my images I need the RAW files. Why because...

What and where precision matters

May 28, 2016

It is well known in all programming languages the floating point math loses some accuracy. Therefore we have something like the following statement

Divide and... conquer?

May 13, 2016

It has been taught “divide and conquer” is a great technique to solve any problem. Well, sometimes in practice it is harder than we, though, here is a case study of how our team apply...

5 reasons I move form X to Y programming language?

May 05, 2016

These days there is the a trend of experienced developers leaving X programming language to move to Y, but why is this happening? Is X awful? Is Y the future? The answers is simple, personal...

Lessons Learned from a computer graphics background

April 22, 2016

The dream from almost all computer nerd is to make his own video game, unfortunately this goal is harder than we though. It turns that is not only required a computer science knowledge, but an...

Heroku hybrid application with Go and Ruby

February 20, 2016

As a ruby developer I like how easy and convenient is to have an asset pipeline, specially when your frontend gets larger or complex. Serve fewer and smaller files is a good practice on web...

Speed things up with Go

June 05, 2015

I am always been fascinated about speed, from overclocking hardware to efficient algorithms, but I always struggle with compiled programming languages and concurrency, I remember my early days as a developer shooting my foot with...