Moving back to Jekyll!

Why I migrate from hugo

May 16, 2018

It has been a while since my last blog post, but before I start writing a new one, I need to do something. Cleanup my current setup with hugo. What was my surprise when I attempt that. A lot of things that changed since my last update. So I decide to move to Jekyll Here are the five reasons why I decided to move back.

I do not post very often

As you might notice I am not a passionate writer, therefore, I got few pages to compile. And even when Hugo is blazing fast, I do not need that speed. In the worst case scenario, if my compilation takes more than 10 minutes or a half hour, it won’t make a difference on my site. And the lower maintenance that I need for Jekyll and ruby makes me focus on writing rather than cleanup.

Github pages are effortless

Since GitHub simplify the integration with Jekyll, it made look more complicated the use of any other tool for static sites. The requirement for a CI to compile and deploy was an overkill. And doing Jekyll with pages is a no-brainer.

Jekyll project is stable

Even when Hugo has reached a stable state and great popularity within the go community, I cannot perceive the reach that Jekyll community has. Maybe is thanks to ruby that allows a low entry point for contributors through plugins and themes. Perhaps is because the project has more years active than Hugo. Maybe I am wrong, and the libraries, templates, and documentation for Hugo had reached the levels higher than Jekyll. But I got the feeling that is not the case.

No CI needed

In my previous setup I loved the idea of a CI, however, is not working due to a change within wrecker, now is owned by Oracle and maybe my setup will not work there. Perhaps If use another could service it could be done, but be since I’ll be using GitHub pages, the setup for a new CI, will not make any sense.

I love ruby

Years ago I got a midlevel developer crisis, and I felt that ruby was not good enough for my projects so that at that time I learned go-lang, and I liked. But after a while, I missed Ruby a lot. Ruby is more comfortable than any other programming language to write, and the community has covered most of the common problems. So probably I will not need to write a new plugin for something that I need, someone else has solved before me.


Hugo is great, but sometimes you don’t need a machine gun. Sometimes you need to shot a couple of bullets to get the job done. And that is for me Jekyll is not as powerful as Hugo, but get the job done, and there are a lot of tools for it.


Easy maintenance with GitHub-pages and Jekyll